Curriculum workshop for College and University driver education instructors.

Brenner, R.

A total of ten three-day workshops were conducted throughout the country to introduce the contents of the 'Guide for Teacher Preparation in Driver Education' to the potential users, namely, college and university instructors who operate a teacher preparation program in driver education for secondary school instructors. Procedures used to select the workshop participants are described. Contents of the separate sessions comprising the workshop are presented, along with instructors' comments on each. Handouts and training aids, assembled in a separate document, are referenced. Evaluations of the workshops by the participants and instructors are summarized.

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B 14098 /83.5 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1978, 136 p.,tab., ref.; DOT HS 803 029

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