Cycling and roundabouts : an Australian perspective.

Patterson, F.

The technical bible for traffic engineers, the Austroads series Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice, has recently been replaced by three new Austroads guides: Guide to Road Design, Guide to Road Safety and Guide to Traffic Management. The new guidelines covering roundabouts now incorporate designs for the marking of bicycle lanes in roundabouts, representing a change in technique to one not seen in comparable international guidelines. This paper examines the nternational research on bicycle lanes in roundabouts and considers whether the issues raised in the literature are applicable to Australia. It concludes that although overseas experience cannot be directly translated to Australia, the safety benefit of Australian cycle lane practice is clearly questionable. (a).

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I E219561 /72 /73 / ITRD E219561

Road and Transport Research. 2010 /06. 19(2) Pp4-19

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