Cycling and safety for cyclists : Danish experiences.


Denmark is famous for its many bicycles and in particular for its bicycle friendly infrastructure comprising many kilometers of bicycle paths and lanes. Bicycling as a common transport mode and a widespread cultural phenomenon goes back many years in Denmark. Today it is still a common mode of transportation, especially in cities, and cyclists of all ages use the bicycle for going to school, work and leisure activities. According to the National Travel Survey 2016, almost half of the kilometers travelled by bicycle are used for daily commuter trips in Denmark. Denmark is a very flat country and, usually only a few weeks each year, weather conditions like heavy rain, snow or ice will make cycling diffi cult. These conditions make bicycle an attractive alternative to other transport mode as it also is affordable and flexible. With the new e-bikes it is also possible to cover larger distances on bicycle. (Author/publisher)

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20210478 ST [electronic version only]

Copenhagen, Danish Road Directorate DRD (Vejdirektoratet), 2017, 19 p.

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