Cycling in vehicle restricted areas. Prepared for the Department for Transport, Charging & Local Transport Division.

Davies, D.G. Chinn, L. Buckle, G.S. & Reid, S.J.

Vehicle restricted areas (VRAs) or `pedestrian areas' in town centres are sometimes important routes for cyclists. However, cycling is prohibited in many VRAs on the grounds of pedestrian comfort and safety. TRL studied the behaviour of 2,220 cyclists at sites in Cambridge, Hull and Salisbury where cycling is permitted for part or all of the day. TRL also interviewed 300 pedestrians and 150 cyclists at these sites to obtain additional details about behaviour and attitudes. The report presents data on cycling speeds, dismounting and pedestrian flows and identifies those factors that significantly influence cyclist behaviour. It also shows which types of cyclists are most likely to ignore cycling bans and to cycle fast. The interviews reveal varying levels of acceptance by pedestrians of cycling in VRAs, and indicate that some injurious incidents occur. Conclusions are presented about how the physical layout of the VRA and other factors can affect pedestrian safety and comfort. The report does not endorse or reject cycling in VRAs, but presents information that may assist with appropriate local regulation and design. (Author/publisher)


C 26680 [electronic version only] /72 /83 / ITRD E119115

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2003, IV + 36 p., 6 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 583 - ISSN 0968-4107

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