Cyclist visibility at night: perceptions of visibility do not necessarily match reality.

Wood, J. Tyrrell, R.A. Marszalek, R. Lacherez, P. Carberry, T. Chu, B.S. & King, M.J.

Visibility limitations make cycling at night particularly dangerous. The authors previously reported cyclists' perceptions of their own visibility at night and identified clothing configurations that made them feel visible. In this study the authors sought to determine whether self perceptions reflect actual visibility when wearing these clothing configurations. The findings suggest that reflective ankle and knee markings are particularly valuable at night, while fluorescent clothing is not. (a).

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I E220076 /83 / ITRD E220076

Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety. 2010 /08. 21(3) Pp56-60 (17 Refs.)

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