Cyclists at `continental' style roundabouts : report on four trial sites. Prepared for the Department for Transport, Charging and Local Transport Division.

Lawton, B.J. Webb, P.J. Wall, G.T. & Davies, D.G.

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of `continental' roundabout geometry (with narrower circulating carriageways and usually fewer entry and exit lanes on each arm) on the safety of cyclists at pilot roundabouts in Nottingham, Woking and Gloucester. The study consisted of a programme of `before' and `after' video and interview surveys, a study of roundabout flows using ARCADY, and an analysis of accident statistics at the roundabouts before and after installation. This report documents the results of the various elements of the study, and makes conclusions relating to the features introduced at each roundabout. Due to low numbers of cyclists in both the video surveys and the interviews, and the different features introduced at each roundabout, no firm conclusions are made, but the report suggests a number of measures that appear to have a positive effect on the safety of cyclists at roundabouts, and warrant further investigation. (Author/publisher)


C 26879 [electronic version only] /85 /82 /81 / ITRD E119566

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2003, IV + 48 p., 3 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 584 - ISSN 0968-4107

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