Cyklisternas och de gåendes trafiksäkerhet i Uppsala centrala delar = Cyclist and pedestrian safety in the central parts of Uppsala.

Thulin, H. & Obrenovic, A.

This report investigates the traffic safety situation of cyclists and pedestrians in the central urban area of uppsala. The investigation has been based on the practical method developed by the swedish road and traffic research institute (vti) for analysing and assessing the traffic safety of cyclists and pedestrians "in the field". This involves making a survey of an area, concentrating on junctions which are videofilmed. The films are used as a basis for assessing traffic safety. Thus two indirect measures of traffic safety are used, one relating to risk and the other to accidents, based on how often cyclists and pedestrians are confronted with vehicular traffic when passing through a junction. In the survey, detail studies were made of some 30 junctions.

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920608 ST S

Linköping, Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute VTI, 1992, 31 + 32 p., 11 ref.; VTI meddelande ; 671 - ISSN 0347-6049

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