The danger of wearing an anorak.

Cheung, C.M. Durrani, O.M. Lim, M.S. Ramchandani, M. Banerjee, S. & Murray, P.I.

Campaigns to reduce road traffic accidents have paid little attention to the way headgear could interfere with vision. Binocular visual field measurement was undertaken in six healthy volunteers wearing four different types of anorak. All four anoraks greatly reduced the horizontal and superior field of vision. The anorak producing the worst reduction resulted in a width of vision of 99 degrees and only 15 degrees of vision above eye level, versus 167 degrees and 52 degrees respectively without an anorak. Anorak wearers should turn their heads to look sideways before crossing the road. (Author/publisher)

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C 24102 [electronic version only]

Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. 95 (2002), No. 4 (April), p. 192-193, 3 ref.

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