A data base for the evaluation of road user risk in Australia.

SOCIALDATA Australia Pty.Ltd

The report details a national travel survey undertaken throughout Australia commencing August 1985 for one year. Forms were sent to nearly 30.000 households in all states to collect information on their day- to- day travel behaviour for one sample travel day in that period. Information was collected for each day of the year for all modes of travel including public transport. The data is in a form which, after expansion (weighting), allows for the calculation of road user exposure to risk.

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B 28433 [electronic version only] /72 /82 / IRRD 814739

Canberra, ACT, Federal Office of Road Safety FORS, 1987, 41 p. + app., 15 ref.; Report No. CR 51 - ISSN 0810-770X / ISBN 0-642-51362-7

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