De aanpak van de verkeersveiligheid op lokaal niveau.

Herpen, T.H.F.G.J.A. van

Evaluation of present possibilities of making inventories of black sports and their characteristics. Based on the latter one may conclude to certain measures to reduce the number of accidents. Two examples are given of the application of the AVOC-manual, developed for the various road authorities.

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16 + 4 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 21563 T [electronic version only] /82/ IRRD 268443

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 34 (1983), No. 1 (januari), p. 31-35, 10 fig., 1 graph., 2 tab., 7 ref.

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