De absolute en relatieve grootte van het aantal verkeersongevallen met kinderen.

Molen, H.H. van der

Detailed study of data on road accidents, in which children are killed and/or wounded. Especially about the latter very little registration has been done up till now, and more studies are necessary. The author gives, among others, details about age and mode of partaking in traffic of wounded children, and trends over the period 1972-75. He specifies these data according to location of injury. He concludes that a child grows up to be by-and-by a safer pedestrian, but that the risk of him being involved in road accidents increases as a whole. For the report see B 13287.

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B 13434 T /81/ IRRD 234859

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 29 (1978), No. 7 (juli), p. 331-337, 3 fig., 3 graph., 8 tab., 33 ref.

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