De asfaltwegenbouw in de zeventiger jaren : verslag jaarvergadering 19 oktober 1971 (jaarverslag 1970).

Hamelink, J.G. Reintjes, R.C. Mathews, D.H. & Wester, K.

At the annual meeting of the research centre for road construction scw on 19 october 1971 four speeches were delivered. (1) mr. Hamelink made some introductory remarks on future developments in flexible road construction. (2) mr reintjes discussed materials and mixtures, especially with respect to mechanical behaviour and surface characteristics. (3) mr. Mathews spoke about future developments in asphalt mixing plants, processes and control. (4) mr. Wester dealt with transport, spreading and compaction. It was recommended that a free hand be left to the designer and constructor as regards construction machinery and techniques and that specifications and prescriptions be based on the finished product rather than on the production methods.

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B 8641 /22 /31 / IRRD 205812

Arnhem, Studiecentrum Wegenbouw S.C.W., 1971, 83 p., 2 Photos; 4 Figs.; 1 Tbls.

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