De bijdrage van alcoholgebruik aan de verkeersonveiligheid : de benodigde basisgegevens om ontwikkelingen te kunnen volgen. Consult ten behoeve van de Directie Verkeersveiligheid.

Noordzij, P. C.

The contribution of the use of alcohol to the lack of traffic safety is expressed in the numbers of accidents and of victims which are the consequence of the use of alcohol. For the developments in this contribution it is not necessary to know the absolute quantity of the contribution. First the type and the magnitude of modifications in the contribution must be able to be estimated. When data are quickly and easily obtained, the quality of these data are less important. Thereby more possibilities are available for determining the modifications of the contribution than for determining the absolute magnitude of the contribution. The different possibilities are discussed. First the possibility of determining the number of accidents caused by the use of alcohol. Thereafter the possibility of determining the use of alcohol at accidents without the correlation of the possible use of alcohol and the cause of an accident. In any case there is the possibility of determining the use of alcohol only by victims of accidents. If none of these methods is useful in practice the possibility of the selection of a part group of accidents which substitutes alcohol accidents remains. Also the possibility of measuring the use of alcohol by road users at random is discussed.


B 18181 [electronic version only] /83.4 / IRRD 253882

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1980, 38 p., graph., tab., 30 ref.; R-80-29


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