De drijvende weg : tussen prototype en praktijktoepassing.

Buningh, S.J. Jonges, J.P. & Salverda, J.

Floating Roads : between prototype and actual application. In the short term floating roads seem to be good applicable as temporary traffic diversion routes during maintenance to bridges or ways along water. Floating roads can also be used as a temporarily extra bank connection at events in watery surroundings or in the recreation season. In the longer term integration of the idea floating roads in large-scale concepts like "build with water" or in areas with (strongly) fluctuating water level, seems a serious scope. Shortage of useful land space and the water problems will increase the expectations on the political-social agenda. Innovation programs can be distinguished in three steps. The step ‘idea and research’, the step ‘design and engineering’ and the step ‘implementation and application’. Between these steps feedback is necessary. Within the project ‘Floating Roads’ the first two steps have been successfully taken. The last step - a concrete application - is still lacking. Incites for that purpose has been given, however, there is not yet a practice in the Netherlands. (Author/publisher)

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20041851 b15 ST (In: ST 20041851 [electronic version only])

In: Innovatie : van inspiratie naar realisatie ? : 31ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Zeist, 24 en 25 november 2004, deel 2, p. 549-565, 5 ref.

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