De drukteas als ontsluitingselement.

Dorsmit, J.W.M. & Schalk, P.P.J.

The end of the sixties mark a change in the approach towards townplanning: the emphasis on macroscopic, long term, structural solutions for urban problems is replaced by more direct and environmental quality oriented solutions. This paper proposes a return to the concept of the "main street" as the axis for the development of urban subdivisions. Of course strict limits should be set with respect to design volumes and speeds for such roads for mixed traffic. Some examples are given.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 18668 (In: B 18651 [electronic version only]) /71/72/ IRRD 255850

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen 1981, Driebergen, 13 - 14 mei 1981, p. 313-333, 23 fig., 8 ref.

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