De fietsroute Tilburg : verkeerstechnische aspecten + kanttekeningen.

Tilburg, W. van Stoovelaar, F. Gurp, P.B. van & Sangen, A.A.H.M.

Traffic engineers studied the physical aspects of the Tilburg demonstration project, which was opened on April 20th, 1977. From a series of photographs they comment on matters as pavement, alignment, traffic signs, intersection lay-outs, mixing bicycles with other modes and lighting. They finish with a short section on the signposting system. In the "Kanttekeningen" section the designers retort on several of the above-mentioned remarks.

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B 11780 T [electronic version only] /21/72/ IRRD 226042

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 28 (1977), No. 4 (april), p. 163-171 + 191, 36 fig., 3 ref.

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