De huisenquête in de corridor-studie Parkeer-en-Reis.

Baanders, A. Bronner, A.E. Kroes, E.P. & Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der

The introduction of special P+R railway stations in the Netherlands is accompanied by before-and-after studies. This article reports on a home interview which was carried out in October, 1979 among 200 car drivers and 400 train passengers living in the corridor between Amsterdam and Den Helder. Some major conclusions: Mode choice is only to a minor degree subject to car competition within the households; delay by queues has to increase considerable before car drivers will switch to public transport because of the fact that travel time on feeder services is to long.

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B 18379 T /72/ IRRD 254206

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 32 (1981), No. 3 (maart), p. 114-117, 4 fig., 4 tab., 4 ref.

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