De invloed van healing en versporing op de strukturele restlevensduur van asfaltwegen.

Mertens, H.J.E.M.

A literature search has shown that there is no standard method of interpreting the effect upon asphalt pavement life of intermittent loading and the laterial distribution of wheel loads. Those people working in the netherlands on pavement design interpret the tests in many different ways. The advice provided therefore varies considerably, with a wide range of values for remaining pavement life being cited. This leads to confusion. This paper is meant to provide the impetus for colleagues to develop a standard interpretation.

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C 3287 (In: C 3269 S) /22 / IRRD 824369

In: Wegbouwkundige werkdagen 1988, Ede, 26 en 27 mei 1988, Deel 2: Stroom II : kwaliteit in meervoud, 7 p., 6 ref.

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