De invloed van mobiliteit op verkeersveiligheid : een omgevingsverkenning.

Wijnen, W. & Houwing, S

This exploration focuses on the relation between developments in mobility and road safety. Past, present and future developments in mobility have been investigated making use of available data and literature, and the significance of these developments for road safety have been described. At a constant crash rate, an increase in mobility results in a larger number of road traffic crashes and a decrease in mobility results in fewer crashes. Developments in mobility may, however, also lead to changes in the crash rate. This exploration looks at the general developments in mobility and the factors of influence, as well as at developments in mobility that result in changes in the (average) crash rate. Changes in mobility concerning transport mode, road category, gender, age, and ethnicity have been studied.


C 41719 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2008, 64 p., 40 ref.; R-2006-31


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