De kwaliteit van fietseigenschappen en verkeersveiligheid : een voorstudie.

Kampen, L.T.B. van

This paper describes a preliminary study into the bicycle features' influence on the incidence and outcome of road accidents in the Netherlands. Two monographs were carried out: (1) a series of measurements to assess the quality of bicycles in use (so-called quality measurements) including a market exploration of new bicycles; and (2) a dossier study into accident registration forms. The quality measurements were carried out in the form of about 100 extensive measurements (involving the rider) and approximately 500 abbreviated measurements. The bicycles' quality and maintenance assessment was performed by comparing the study objects with the equivalent bicycle in new condition. The results indicate a series of quality and maintenance problems. Lighting scored relatively poorest, while the frame scored relatively highest. Regarding newly sold bicycles, statistical data contributed by the Netherlands Association of Bicycle and Automobile Industry (RAI)/Stichting Fiets was used. An aim was to determine the distribution, according to type and the associated development. The dossier study took place using copies of the 1990 and 1991 police accident registration forms. These forms did not offer the anticipated further information about bicycles to a sufficient degree. Further study should be performed using the Consumer Safety Institute Private Accident Registration System (PORS) file.


C 2785 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 864964

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 49 + 34 p., 10 ref.; R-93-62


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