De kwaliteit van het ambulance vervoer tussen streekziekenhuizen en een centrum ziekenhuis.

Bleeker, J.K. Rutten, F.L.P.A. Leeuwen, F.L. van & Jansen, Y.G.

The quality of ambulance transport of critically ill and wounded patients between rural hospitals and a referral centre (so called secondary transport) is studied. The study group comprised all patients transported in the course of one year from a rural hospital in the southwestern part of The Netherlands to a centre hospital in Rotterdam. Their records were reviewed retrospectively. A distinction was made between patients whose vital funtions were acutely threatened before transport and patients in whom this was not the case. Results show that 24% of all patients were transferred inadequately. The inadequately transferred patients all belonged to the group in whom vital functions were acutely threatened. Frequently occurring shortcomings concerned oxygenation and intravenous lines. It is concluded that medical assistance by a specialist is indicated with all secondary transports, because it is difficult to predict if vital functions will be threatened during transport. (A)

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C 4156 [electronic version only] /84 / IRRD 877125

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Vol. 137 (1993), No. 22 (29 mei), p. 1091-1095, 26 ref.

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