De nouvelles machines d'application pour des marquages de chaussées de qualité.

Bry, M.

It must be possible for the rate of spread of paint material and of glass beads to be adjusted as required and controlled throughout by the machine driver. Painting machines using a vessel under air presence cannot meet either of these fundamental requirements. New machines, operating according to different principles, are now appearing on the market. Higher- performance products are encouraging mechanisation and robotization. A control modul is developed to test the performance of these machines.

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B 31087 (In: B 31082) /35 /85 / IRRD 321389

In: Roads and Traffic 2000. Proceedings of the International Road and Traffic Conference, Berlin, 6- 9 September 1988, Volume II /2, p. 201- 204. Theme II: Road Construction and Maintenance.

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