De ontwikkeling van de verkeersonveiligheid in Nederland in de jaren 1965-1980.

Wesemann, P.

The changes in traffic safety in the netherlands during the period 1965-1980 are described. During 1965-1972 the number of traffic deaths continued to increase. In 1973 a decrease set in, also caused by the energy crisis, which went on until 1975. In 1976 and 1977 there was a small increase, but since 1978 the decrease has continued. The great decrease in 1979 in relation to 1978 is mainly attributed to the severe winter in the first quarter of 1979. The total number of traffic deaths in the netherlands was 2479 in 1965, up to the maximum of 3264 in 1974, and down to 1997 in 1980, a decrease of 20%. If the number of traffic deaths is calculated per 100000 inhabitants, the decrease between 1965 and 1980 is as much as 30%.


B 21293 [electronic version only] /81 / IRRD 265962

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV), 1982, 14 p. + app., 11 fig., graph., 15 tab., ref.; R-82-22 / Samengevat in: Wat bezielt Veilig Verkeer Nederland : een beschouwing ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarige bestaan van Veilig Verkeer Nederland VVN, Hilversum, 1982 (p. 5-17, 59 e.v.)


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