De ontwikkeling van de verkeersonveiligheid van fietsers en bromfietsers.

Welleman, A.G.

This article sketches the development of bicycle and moped ownership, use, and road safety in the Netherlands from 1950 on.Furthermore, on the basis of a study concerning mobility in the Netherlands from 1978 to 1980, risks for cyclists and moped riders have been calculated for different age and sex groups. Finally, a number of factors thought to influence bicycle and moped use in the coming years are discussed and the impact of these factors on traffic safety is assessed.

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B 22539 (ln: B 22511) [electronic version only] /72/ IRRD 272707

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 19-20 april 1983, p. 351-362, 4 graph., 4 tab.; R-83-6


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