De (on)veiligheid van de voetganger.

Zabel, J.B.

The author tries to arrive using a limited number of simple data, at indications for desirable research and/or measures. that risk for pedestrians are still increasing seems to be the unavoidable result of increasing motor traffic. When pedestrians are confronted with vehicles, the number of pedestrian -causalities per one thousand million vehicle-km. increase in the sequence; bicycles, moped, automobile, motor/scooter, bus/lorry. For pedestrians large motor vehicles seem to be the most dangerous.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 1952 [electronic version only]

TNO Nieuws, Vol. 23 (1968), No. 6 (juni), p. 261-268.

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