De onveiligheid van motorrijden nader bekeken : een beschrijving van de aard en omvang van het probleem.

Vis, A.A.

The purpose of this study is to offer starting points for policy or measures to improve motorcycling safety. The motivation for the study is the number of accidents (over 900) registered by the Dutch Department for Statistics and Data Management (VOR) in the period from July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994 inclusive. These were accidents in which at least one motorcyclist was involved and where at least one severe injury or fatality was registered. Other sources used were accident reports and a survey held amongst the motorcyclists involved. The accidents studied registered about 1,000 severely or fatally injured motorcyclists. About 450 injured motorcyclists were admitted to hospital for one week, 300 underwent a period of rehabilitation and 600 remained disabled for one month or longer. The safety of motorcycling could be enhanced by the following means: (1) Improve both visibility and road presence; (2) Pay specific attention to the safety aspects of motorcycling as part of the driving education of both motorcyclists and of motorists; (3) Propagate follow-up driving courses where special attention is focused on anticipatory behaviour and on the performance of emergency manoeuvres; and (4) develop and distribute a code of behaviour for both motorcyclists and for motorists.


C 5103 [electronic version only] /80 /83 / IRRD 881111

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1995, 49 p., 2 ref.; R-95-69


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