De pathofysiologie van het verdrinken.

Boer, J. de & Otter, G. den

The pathophysiology of drowning was investigated with the aid of an experimental model, with use of the dog as the test animal. The separate parts of anoxia and fluid aspiration in the ultimate causation of death were investigated by means of a bronchostoma of the left main bronchus. The ventilation of the right lung was kept optimal throughout the experiment so that anoxia of the animal was avoided. The left lung was filled with fresh water or sea water, so that maximal aspiration was possible. It is concluded from the test results that aspiration by itself causes only a very slight deviation of the electrolyte composition of the blood. On the other hand, asperation of fresh water brought about a marked haemolyses and a decrease of the haematoerit. When sea water was aspirated, no haemolysis occurred, but the haematocrit still decreased.

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A 3898 fo

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Vol. 113 (1969), No. 43 (25 oktober), p. 1889-1895.

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