De potentiële OV-reiziger in beeld.

Bérénos, M. & Ruigrok, M.

Public transport in the Netherlands is currently and in the future subject to tremendous changes. Getting to know more about the public transit market is an important issue. Setting up vast surveys in doing so is expensive. Using synthetically build models is often unsatisfactory. This paper deals with a method to give an illustrate of/to picture the potential public transport user spatially. This method has been tested for the first time in a survey area of the HOV/Eindhoven-Veldhoven (light rail), and uses already existing empirical zonal data of the survey area and as well as information from the Dutch National Travel Survey (OVG). The study focused on the so called area potentials, the relation potentials and the connection between both. Market segmentation already starts with demographical, social-economic and geographical characteristics of the zones. With use of the already existing spatial data the area potentials can be illustrated. Hypothesis on the mobility pattern of the distinguished market groups, based on the OVG information, gives an insight in the so called relation potentials. The tool being used in this case is TransCAD, a GIS-based transport software package. Spatial analyses combined with transportation modelling can be done extremely well with this planning tool, because TransCAD has integrated these two functions in one software package. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E206647.

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C 24251 (In: C 24223 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E206675

In: Wie doet wat? : over de weerbarstige werkelijkheid van marktwerking en decentralisatie : 28ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 29 en 30 november 2001, deel 1, p. 507-529, 9 ref.

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