De veiligheid van 30 km/uur-gebieden : een analyse van letselongevallen in 151 heringerichte gebieden in Nederlandse gemeenten.

Vis, A.A. & Kaal, I.

In comparison to a previous study (See C 1965), this follow-up study determines more specifically the effect on the number of injury accidents in a large number of 30 km/h zones in the Netherlands. 660 injury accidents in 151 30 km/h zones were recorded: 417 of these were prior to introduction of the measure, and 243 were recorded during the follow-up period. In order to enable correction of effects which were not associated with the realised measure, all injury accidents inside built-up areas were collected for the same municipalities over similar periods (control areas). Following correction based on the trend shown in the control areas, it was determined that the number of injury accidents in the 30 km/h zones had dropped by 22%. The effect on the number of injury accidents still demonstrated a large variation. The measure can certainly be considered as successful. More than half of the municipalities surveyed had not yet commenced work to realise 30 km/h zones, even though the survey held amongst officials from the traffic departments of the municipalities in question demonstrated that a positive attitude prevailed.


C 1966 [electronic version only] /73 /82 / IRRD 860121

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 15 + 13 p., 4 ref.; R-93-17


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