De verkeersonveiligheid in de provincie-Noord-Brabant. IV: Het aspect stroefheid in het verkeersveiligheidsonderzoek in Noord-Brabant. Interim-rapport ten behoeve van de Stuurgroep van het Onderzoek Noord-Brabant.


From all fatal accidents in the Netherlands about a quarter occur during or short after rainfall, when the road is wet. This results in about 400 deaths per year. An analysis of such accidents in the province of Noord-Brabant showed that this is the same as in the whole country. The traffic safety on a wet road surface is determined by a great number of factors, which can be influenced by different measures. In this report only measures which can be taken by the road administrator are discussed. For part I, II and III see B 10904 and 16237.


B 16238 [electronic version only] /23 /82 / IRRD 247066

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1978, 45 p. + app., graph,. tab., ref.; R-78-17


Dit is een publicatie van SWOV, of waar SWOV een bijdrage aan heeft geleverd.