De verkeersonveiligheid in japan en de aanpak daarvan. Verslag van een studiereis in november 1982.

Wegman, F.C.M.

Japan succeeded in lowering the number of traffic victims by 50 percent in ten years. This was the main reason for the visit. The situation there is compared to the situation in the netherlands. There are more trucks in japan than in the netherlands. The number of vehicles in the same period increased by 50 percent in japan and by 5 percent in the netherlands. In the netherlands also the number of accidents decreased by 50 percent, which is more than the world average. The number of casualties in japan is still lower than that in the netherlands. In japan policy is laid down in the traffic safety fundamental plans. Provisions are made to decrease air pollution in the cities and to improve the situation for pedestrians and cyclists. A strategy has been developed for accident black spots. There is a voluntary refresher course where a japanese licence has to be renewed in which most people take part. since 1969 there is a point demerit system in use. Many research reports are not translated. Traffic research does not appear to be co-ordinated.


B 23349 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 277239

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1983, 50 p.; R-83-46


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