De waarneembaarheid van verkeersborden bij nacht : een theoretische beschouwing.

Godthelpt, J.

The use of a new type of retro-reflective material, high intensity grade, with regard to the perceptibility of traffic signs at night is studied. Four types of traffic signs were considered: signs provided with retro-reflective sheeting engineer grade and high intensity grade, signs that are externally illuminated and signs that are internally illuminated. Methods are presented which make a comparison between the detection and recognition distances of the different types of sign possible.

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10 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 11823 S /73.1/ IRRD 226901

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuig-Pfysiologie IZF-TNO, 1977, 38 p., graph., tab., ref.; Rapport No. IZF 1977-C4.

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