Deaths and injuries from road rage : cases in Canadian newspapers.

Smart, R.G. & Mann, R.E.

In the past few years “road rage” has appeared as a new problem for Canadians, at least in the popular media. Reports on road rage have recently come from Canada,1 as well as the United States and Europe. The term road rage has no clear definition but is used when a driver or passenger attempts to kill, injure or intimidate a pedestrian or another driver or passenger or to damage their vehicle in a traffic incident. There is surprisingly little reliable information or scientific research on road rage in Canada and elsewhere. Newspaper reports represent one of the few sources of information about road rage, because neither health care facilities nor the police routinely collect information about this problem. The purpose of this article is to examine reports of road rage incidents in Canadian newspapers. (Author/publisher)

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C 23488 [electronic version only]

Canadian Medical Association Journal CMAJ, Vol. 167 (2002), No. 7 (October 1), p. 761-762, 8 ref.

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