Deaths of older Australians related to their use of motorised mobility scooters.

Kitching, F.A. Ozanne-Smith, J. Gibson, K. Clapperton, A. & Cassell, E.

This study describes motorized mobility scooter (MMS) rider-related fatalities in the older Australian population during the years 2000 - 2011, identified from the National Coronial Information System. Seventy-seven fatalities were identified, most aged 80 years or older (74.1%) and males predominated (76.6%). Most deaths (88.3%) resulted from collisions with motor vehicles or falling from the MMS. These findings are consistent with the reported morbidity data. Challenges to MMS case identification included lack of specification in reports to Coroners and inadequate codes. Improved specificity and coding are necessary to fully describe the extent of MMS-related injury. This study raises the issue of emerging largely unregulated consumer products. Further research is required to understand the uptake and use of MMS in the ageing population. Strategies are needed to decrease rider injuries whilst meeting community mobility needs. (Author/publisher)

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20190279 ST [electronic version only]

International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 23 (2016), No. 4, p. 346-350, ref.

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