Debatteren over mobiliteit : over de rationaliteit van het ruimtelijk mobiliteitsbeleid. Proefschrift Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen KUN, Nijmegen.

Martens, C.J.C.M.

Over the last decade the mobility policy of the Dutch ministry of Spatial Planning has been the subject of ongoing debate. This policy - in this study referred to as spatial mobility policy - is being questioned by a large array of actors, among which the ministries most involved and important national advisory bodies. Their critique has focused both on the assumptions underlying the policy and on its content. This study begins from the debate and, keeping the critique in mind, analyses the rationality of the spatial mobility policy. (A)

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20001378 ST [electronic version only]

[S.l.], Thela Thesis, 2000, XII + 323 p., 297 ref. - ISBN 90-9013569-3

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