Decision-making capacities and affective reward anticipation in DWI recidivists compared to non-offenders: A preliminary study.

Bouchard-Sioui, M. Brown, T.G. & Nadeau, L.

Impaired decision making is seen in several problem behaviors including alcoholism and problem gambling. Decision-making style may contribute to driving while impaired with alcohol (DWI) in some offenders as well. The somatic marker framework theorizes that decision making is the product of two interacting affective neural systems, an impulsive, rapid, amygdala-dependent process for emotionally signaling the immediate negative or positive consequences of an option, and a reflective, longer-lasting, ventral medial prefrontal cortex dependent system for emotionally signaling the future negative or positive prospects of an option. This study tested the hypothesis that offenders who showed disadvantageous decision-making would be at higher risk for recidivism than those who showed more advantageous decision-making. In addition, in line with the somatic marker hypothesis, offenders who showed disadvantageous decision-making would exhibit a distinct pattern of somatic activation compared to offenders who showed more advantageous decision-making. A sample of 21 DWI offenders with from 2 to 7 past DWI convictions and a reference group consisting of 19 non-offender (N-O) drivers were recruited and administered the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), as well as evaluated on sociodemographic, driving and alcohol use dimensions. In addition, anticipatory skin conductance response (aSCR) was measured in the 5ás prior to each of a 100 card draws on the IGT. Median split of the DWI offender sample based upon overall performance on the IGT yielded two subgroups (IGT-R Hi and IGT-R Lo). Hypothesis 1 was supported, as the IGT-R Lo group possessed significantly greater frequency of past DWI convictions and severity of past drinking. Descriptive analyses revealed that on the IGT, IGT-R Hi group performed similarly to the N-O reference group while the IGT-R Lo group performed significantly worse. Hypothesis 2 was not supported. Decision making is a plausible explanatory neurocognitive pathway to severer forms of DWI. The role of emotional processing in DWI risk is uncertain. Subtyping DWI offenders using neurocognitive criteria seems a promising avenue for improving clinically meaningful methods of DWI risk assessment and intervention. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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TRIS 01368102

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2012 /03. Vol. 45. Pp580-587 (Figs., Tabs., Refs.)

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