As a result of developments in the automotive, ICT and telecoms sectors and the introduction of connected and automated vehicles1, mobility will change more in the next twenty years than in the past one hundred years. Further automation of vehicles and advances in information and
communication technologies provide excellent opportunities to improve traffic flows and to make transport safer, cleaner and easier. This development could also strengthen the economy of Europe. Ultimately, once fully automated driving becomes possible on a large scale, there may be societal benefits beyond the aforementioned goals, in terms of social inclusion, improved mobility services in rural areas and cities, the development of mobility as a service and lower travel costs. These advantages should bring extra flexibility in door-to-door mobility, especially in the field of public transport, also to the benefit of the aging population, vulnerable road users and disabled persons. Furthermore, this innovation could be linked to other important developments such as a shared economy, decarbonisation of transport and the transition towards a zero-emissions society and the circular economy.