Dedicated short-range wireless communications for intelligent transportation system applications : state of the art.

Liu, Y. Dion, F. & Biswas, S.

In efforts to reduce traffic accidents and improve the efficient utilization of existing transportation networks, increasing attention is being given to the use of wireless communications between vehicles and roadside equipment to develop new intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications that can help improve the safety of transportation networks and reduce urban congestion. Of particular interest for the development of such applications are the currently proposed dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) wireless standards. This paper aims to provide transportation researchers and engineers with an introduction to these standards. The paper presents the current mobile wireless communication applications and standards, the various DSRC standards that have been proposed, their potential use in ITS applications, their envisioned implementation benefits, and the remaining research needs.

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C 50532 (In: C 50528 S [electronic version only]) /73 / ITRD E847044

In: Intelligent Transportation Systems and vehicle - highway automation 2005, Transportation Research Record No. TRR 1910, 2005, p. 29-37, 19 ref.

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