DEE (Disaggregated Effectiveness Evaluation) Technique : an objectives achievement methodology.


The DEE (Disaggregated Effectiveness Evaluation) technique (computer software) is an aid to the design, monitoring and evaluation of large-scale projects, programmes and masterplans, and to the evaluation of the effectiveness of organisations such as those in the public sector. The technique works by breaking down or disaggregating one complex, plan, project or organisation into a number of sub-tasks or elements. Each element is then broken down further until it is readily specific by the achievement of a number of simple performance indicators. The extent to which overall goals are achieved can be assessed by aggregating performance with respect to the set of indicators. It has been applied in areas such as public health, forestry, agriculture and road safety. An example of a partial framework for County Council Road Safety Services (UK) is given.

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C 19332 (In: C 19307 [electronic version only]) /10 /80 / ITRD E110774

In: Proceedings of Road safety for Central and Eastern Europe : a policy seminar, Budapest, Hungary, October 17-21, 1994, p. 306-309

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