Deep impregnation of concrete bridge decks.

Weyers, R.E. & Cady, P.D.

The deep monomer impregnation (depth of impregnation 3 to 4 in.) and in situ polymerization of a bridge deck using the grooving technique is presented. The study shows that the process is commercially feasible and the work can be successfully completed to a set of specifications by contractors with no experience with the monomer impregnation and in situ polymerization process. Laboratory estimates of operation times are compared with field performances. Field operation times were significantly less for the impregnation time and the polymerization time but slightly greater for drying times. Safety procedures and cost estimates are also presented. The deep impregnation process is shown to be cost competitive with cathodic protection.

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C 15011 (In: C 15005 S) /61 / IRRD 826220

In: Structures maintenance : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1184, p. 41-49, 19 ref.

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