Defining the problem : a conflictual priority.

Williams, A.F.

In public policy decisions related to motor vehicle use, there is often a tradeoff between safety and enhanced mobility or personal freedom of choice. Seat belt and motorcycle helmet use laws exemplify the tradeoff between safety and individual choice. Speed limit laws, right-turn- on-red and measures that reduce the exposure of teenage drivers (e.g., night driving curfews, raising the licensing age) are examples involving a tradeoff between safety and mobility. It needs to be made explicit that those arguing for enhanced mobility or the preservation of individual freedoms in these debates are willing to accept loss of .human life as a tradeoff.

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B 31808 (In: B 31801) / 72/ 73/ IRRD 844682

In: 3rd World Congress of the International Road Safety Organisation PRI, Montreal, 10-14 June 1988, p. 100-110, 12 ref.

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