Definition and development of a crash dummy head.

Hubbard, R.P. & McLeod, D.G.

The conception, design, and development of a crash test dummy head are described. Geometric, inertial, and performance requirements based on biomechanical information are presented and discussed. The manufacture and development are described, and the test procedures and results are presented and discussed with reference to the biomechanical and functional requirements.

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B 10548 (In: B 6351 [electronic version only]) /84.1/ IRRD 218139.

In: Proceedings of the 18th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, December 4-5, 1974, p. 599-628, 6 fig., 7 graph., 9 tab., 15 ref.; SAE paper No. 741193.

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