The definition, production ans validation of the Direct Vision Standard (DVS0 for HGVs. Prepared for Department for Transport DfT.

Summerskill, S. Marshall, R. Patterson, R. Eland, A. & Lenard, J.

This report details the production of a system that can be used to rate the performance of Heavy Goods Vehicles in terms of their ability to allow drivers to see vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as cyclists and pedestrians in close proximity to the cab. This method is known as the Direct Vision Standard. In addition to this, the Direct Vision Standard has been applied to the assessment of 54 vehicle makes and models, and the results of these have been analysed to define a ‘star rating system’. The rating system uses 6 star ratings from 0 to 5 where 0 designates a poor direct vision performance and 5 designates an excellent direct vision performance. In this way, the performance of a particular vehicle can be communicated in a method that is simple to understand for operators and other stakeholders such as members of the general public. (Author/publisher)

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20200091 ST [electronic version only]

Loughborough, Loughborough University, Design School, 2018, 72 + 21 p.

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