Delivering service reform : State Transit’s Better Bus Program.

Adam, W. & Hall, C.

State Transit has embarked on a “Better Bus” template for service reviews that has delivered significant government savings and passenger benefits. The approach is built on direct services between activity centres, building quality transit corridors with balanced travel demands where frequent service is offered, and strengthening nodes where operational efficiencies can be realised. The process has been transparent and highly consultative which allows the community to intervene to make trade offs between bus frequency and coverage. It has also allowed infrastructure agencies to understand and provide bus priority features in an operational context. However, in the absence of a regional transport plan, the benefits and savings may be less than under a coordinated service and infrastructure program. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E213376.

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C 39590 (In: C 39583 CD-ROM) /72 /10 / ITRD E213383

In: Getting serious : transport land use integration : proceedings of the AITPM National Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, 25-26 September 2003, p. 158-172

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