Delivering travel benefits : does your travel mode matter?

Masurier, P. le Burden, I. & Cobain, P.

For some years the passenger transport industry in the UK has argued overthe extent to which quality bus schemes can provide the same attractive service offering as a tram. The cost differentials are fairly clear, but the relative benefits that are disputed. A prime example is the situation inWest Yorkshire where the Leeds SuperTram proposals were shelved - replaced with plans for a Quality Bus system, seemingly on the grounds that the cost of build/implementation were much reduced compared with a tram system but the benefits would be almost the same. This is study established the relative benefits (in financial and time-saving terms) of old and new trams, and quality bus and standard bus services in the West Midlands. These benefits were derived through the use of stated preference surveys with public transport and car users, with the results forming a major input into subsequent modelling and appraisal of the Phase 2 Midland Metro schemes. An overview is provided of difference in aspects of service quality between modes and how modelling parameters used in forecasting vary between a number of light rail and quality bus schemes, drawing on experience in both theUK and elsewhere. A case study evaluating the relative benefits of the existing Metro service, new Metro services and Bus Rapid Transit (compared with a standard bus service) in the West Midlands; is described. The types of vehicle/system under consideration by survey respondents are described,and the perceived differences in quality as modal constants are expressed, for the modellers in the audience, as both fixed 'modal constants' and in a variable form that increases as journey time increases. Implications for future standard appraisal and evaluation procedures of new public transport schemes are provided. For the covering abstract see ITRD E145999

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C 49407 (In: C 49291 [electronic version only]) /72 /10 / ITRD E146118

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference ETC, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 6-8 October 2008, Pp.

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