Delivery of real-time and predictive travel time information : experiences from a Melbourne trial.

Karl, C.A. & Trayford, R.S.

Real-time and predictive traveller information has become possible by the convergence of information technology and wireless communications. This paper discusses the results and future feasibility arising from an ongoing trial in Melbourne where motorists receive information though the SMS (Short Message Service) function of their mobile phones. The trial identified a number of important issues. The issues are about the information itself, the delivery of the information, the participating motorists learning how to use the information they received in their own unique ways and the embracing issue of fast changing technology. In order for a traveller information service to be useful, it needs sufficient content and predictive skills but also a capability to deliver content, customised across legacy products and platforms, as well as the latest wireless devices.

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C 22494 (In: C 22454 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E114266

In: From vision to reality : proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Turin, Italy, 6-9 November 2000, 8 p., 13 ref.

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