Demand forecasts and financial feasibility of new freight transport systems.

Harutoshi, Y.

This paper compares two proposed new Japanese freight transport systems in relation to their performance, financial feasibility, and effects on road traffic and the environment. The `flatcar truck system' uses container-carrying trains propelled by linear induction motors. The `dual-mode truck system' uses trucks that can be operated on ordinary roads as well as underground guideways. If the new systems are implemented in the Tokyo area, it is envisaged that the network for these two systems would have about 100km of underground track and about 50 depots. The following transport costs were taken into account: (1) personnel costs; (2) vehicle capital costs; (3) vehicle maintenance costs; (4) fuel costs; fuel costs; (5) toll road charges; and (6) dual-mode truck charges and depot charges. Assuming that future freight demand will be distributed on minimum cost paths, it was found that subsidies will be necessary to cover the cost of constructing the infrastructure for the new systems. However, it was shown that the new system would have large effects on traffic flow and the environment, so that Tokyo's severe traffic congestion and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions would both be reduced significantly.

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C 5327 (In: C 5303) /10 /72 / IRRD 870099

In: Proceedings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Seminar on Advanced Road Transport Technologies TT3, Omiya, Japan, June 6 - June 9, 1994, p. 295-310, 4 ref.

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