Demonstratieproject Herindeling en herinrichting van stedelijke gebieden : onderzoek technische criteria ten aanzien van de verkeersveiligheid voor de keuze van onderzoek gebieden. Consult aan de Directie Verkeersveiligheid.


The Ministry of Traffic and Transport and the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning have asked the local authorities of cities with more than 50000 inhabitants for information concerning their planning of redivision and reconstruction of urban areas. By means of this information two test areas will be selected in which the public space can be redivided into residential areas and traffic areas. Each demonstration project will have two part-projects, each about 100 hectares, one in an old area and one in a new area. Criteria for selection are the availability of traffic data in and around the test area, preparation and execution should be carried out within three years; the dwelling function must dominate and different categories of roads must be present in the area. After the first selection 5 cities remained. The Dutch Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV was asked to give some criteria from the research point of view for the further selection procedure.


B 18473 [electronic version only] /21/72/ IRRD 254214

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1977, 13 p., tab.; R-77-47


Dit is een publicatie van SWOV, of waar SWOV een bijdrage aan heeft geleverd.