The Denver area drinking-driving survey, 1971.

Wolfe, A.C.

In the general public survey conducted by HSRI in order to obtain useful information for the Denver Alcohol Safety Action Program, interviews with 504 persons of driving age were obtained. 15 % of the total sample admitted to having driven after excessive drinking during the previous year. Those who admit to excessive drinking before driving are more likely to be in their twenties and thirties, to be male, to have more accidents and traffic violations, to be less concerned about the dangers of drunk driving, to estimate larger numbers of drinks as both safe and legal, and to be more opposed to countermeasures. However, they had the same media use patterns and were almost as likely to say that they had been influenced by the media and paid attention to messages on highway safety.

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B 758 /83.4

Ann Arbor, Michigan University, 1971, 28 cm., + 65 blz., tabn. PB-205283

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