In-depth investigation : Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes FERSI Group report.


Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes FERSI was asked by EEC GD VII to make proposals for possible inclusion in the new draft EURET 2 Programme. In this research programme, FERSI emphasis the advantage of an European collaboration on accident data collection, especially in the field of active safety. This type of project is to be designed as part of the cooperation between European Road Safety Research Institutes which may be extented to any other organisation interested in in-depth accident research, and in particular European car manufacturers through the ACEA. It is intended to form part of the European Community research programmes in order to design action to improve safety.

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940560 ST

Arcueil, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité INRETS, 1994, 30 + 10 p., 13 ref.

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